Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Man, I ate so much great stuff in Spain

Spain is the best place to eat in the universe. They give you snacks everywhere. I will post pictures of all the things I ate soon.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Soup in June

This weekend I will be making clam chowder, corn bread, salad and artichokes. Is this a summer meal?

Monday, May 30, 2011

I pretty much ate everything I thought of yesterday

In celebration (is this really a celebrating holiday?) of Memorial Day, Bunny and I headed to my father's house for a feast of dry rubbed ribs (Mississippi-style of course), herb potato salad (follow the link to the recipe) and green salad, followed by my own invented strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream on top. The only thing I wanted to eat this morning was toast. Which I did after a guilt-induced run with the dog.

Other things I thought about over the weekend:
caramel cake
beer-can chicken
stone fruits
how I have been buying bitter cucumbers from the store, and I saw them at the farmers market and felt irritated that I did not already know cucumbers were at the market, which would have saved me from buying bitter ones from the grocery store.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

soft serve, give me soft serve

I had a delicious dip cone from DQ this weekend as a treat from my husband, whom I call Bunny. While DQ is not my preferred purveyor of soft serve, I eat one of these every 18 months or so. Now I cannot stop thinking about soft serve. I want a soft serve machine in my office. However, I do not want to weigh 200 pounds. Alas.

My most fond memories of soft serve come from growing up in New England. During the stuffy summers, all these roadside dairy shacks lifted up the boards locked to the front during the winter and sold soft serve in what I recall to be 100's of varieties, but was probably more like 10. I had a key lime when I was nine and I have never been able to find the flavor since. It has been over 20 years.

I am starting this for real this time

Things I want to eat today, but I won't:
Coconut cupcakes
doughnut that i saw in this guy's hand this morning on the bus
wet burrito
pretzel bread from little t american bakery
anything from Alder Pastry and Dessert on account of reading a really great review of it this morning.


About Me

someone who thinks about food way too much for her own good but has some self control.